A Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Stewardship Parish

Women's Club

The St. James Women’s Club gives praise and glory to God through service to others in our parish community.  This group provides a healthy Catholic environment for women as they meet, exchange views, and support one another and our parish.  We meet once a month on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.  We welcome all who desire to share their time and talents to work for the entire St. James community and beyond.

We are the oldest ministry at St. James, having been established in 1943.  We raise funds by our popular bake sales and dinners/silent auctions in order to support the other ministries by donating to Webster Springs, the St. Martha mosaic, Lenten soup luncheon, RCIA welcome breakfast, parish library, the St. Roch-a-thon, this summer’s St. James Jam, parking lot island garden, six homeless dinners each year for Jefferson County, among many other requests that come to us.

We welcome new members at every meeting – please join us!  For more information, contact the current President, Anne Mercier at merciermob@hotmail.com or 703-869-0697.