Creating a Safe Environment for Children

The Three Components of Safe Environment

Anyone who volunteers directly with minors or who volunteers where minors are present at St. James MUST complete all of these three components:

All Safe Environment items can now be completed online. Use the How To Guide to navigate through all three components.

You only need to submit paper copies if you do not have access to the internet. 

1. VIRTUS Workshop: You must also attend an in-service training session or take the VIRTUS training online. (only if you do not have access to computer)

2. Background Check: Simply complete and sign the form below and return it to the parish office. (only if you do not have access to computer)

3. Policy Handbook: Along with a background check form, you will be given our Diocesan handbook entitled “Policy Relating to Sexual Abuse of Children”. You must sign a form to show you have been given this policy handbook. (only if you do not have access to computer)

Click here to visit the Diocesan Office of Safe Environment