A Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Stewardship Parish

Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental Preparation

Baptism Preparation  Ministry

Baptism Preparation is an opportunity to prepare all parents desiring to have their children baptized in the Roman Catholic Church.  Join our ministry and help parents understand the awesome grace and responsibilities that come with the Sacrament.

Classes are held the last Sunday of every month.  Participants should have the ability to talk about your faith with a wide variety of practicing and non-practicing Catholics.

Contact Chris Pifer at parsec@stjameswv.org or call (304) 725-5558.

First Reconciliation and First Communion Ministry

This is a subset of Religious Education focusing on the preparation for First Communion of our youth in 2nd grade. Participants will plan and deliver classes as well as mentor students in their preparation for First Communion and First Reconciliation.

This ministry meets as activities dictate, Sunday 9:30-10:45 a.m. or Wednesday 5:30-6:45 pm.

Contact Allie Enos at  VCRE@stjameswv.org  or call (304) 725-5558.

Confirmation Preparation Ministry

This is a subset of Religious Education focusing on the preparation of Confirmation to our youth in 9th grade. Participants meet for regular activities designed to have fun, form friendships, build strong peer support system, and continue to grow in and express the Catholic Faith. Plan and deliver classes as well as mentor students in their preparation for Confirmation.

Members of this ministry meet as activities dictate, Wednesday night Mass followed by weekly class (7:00 to 9:00 pm).  You must have VIRTUS training.

Contact Allie Enos at VCRE@stjameswv.org  or call (304) 725-5558.

Marriage Preparation Ministry

The marriage preparation ministry is made up of dedicated couples living out the Sacrament of Marriage according to the teachings of the Catholic Church.  A married couple is assigned to meet in their home with an engaged couple to discuss marriage.

As a member of this ministry, you will work with engaged and newly married couples to actively and faithfully live out the vocation of marriage in our world.  You should have a  willingness to discuss difficult issues like contraception, pornography, infidelity, prayer life, and children.

Contact Deacon Dave Galvin at marriage@stjameswv.org or call (304) 725-5558.