A Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Stewardship Parish


Contribution to the First Collection

St. James 1st collection, also known as the General collection, goes to support the day-to-day operations of parish life. Some of these expenses are the cost to maintain our Church, Rectory, Social Hall Complex, Social Concerns Building, the Historic Chapel of St. Peters (in Harpers Ferry) and its Social Hall/Rectory and cemetery. Salary for staff and all administrative costs are covered by the 1st collection.

Contribution to the Second Collection

The 2nd collection, also known as the Building Fund, is used solely to pay down the mortgage of our beautiful church.  St. James Church was built by the love and sacrifice of a people driven by the Grace of God to give their love back to God.

In 2012, 90% of St. James mortgage was paid through our 2nd collection. The remaining 10% was paid through funds provided by St. Zita, our merchant card and gift shop program here at St. James.  Additional funds from St. Zita are used to pay down the mortgage principal so St. James can pay off its debt as quickly as possible.

Special Collections

Diocesan Collections and Appeals

Throughout the year, St. James takes part in 17 special collections approved by the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.  Dates for these collections vary yearly. Special envelopes for theses collections are included in the monthly envelope package sent out to parishioners.

Social Concerns and Webster Springs

St. James and St. Peters have Poor Boxes inside to collect funds for our Social Concerns ministry. This ministry allows St. James to assist those in need in our local community. We also have an outreach program called Webster Springs to help those in desperate need in Webster Springs located in the southern mountains of West Virginia.

Faith Overseas

Our Faith Overseas Program is led by the youth of St. James. Each year the ministry selects an overseas program(s) to extend St. James help throughout the world.  All offertory donations received during the weekly Wednesday evening Mass, specific donations and fundraising events for Faith Overseas go to help the poor and needy worldwide.

End-of-Year Stewardship Letter

Coming soon.