A Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Stewardship Parish

Service Groups

Service Groups

Martha Mary Ministry

The Martha Mary Ministry, working alongside the Saint James Servers, hosts receptions in the Social Hall or Saint James Library for grieving families after a funeral Mass or memorial service.  Share your gift of food and love to families during a difficult time.

Members prepare an entrée, vegetable, or dessert for the reception or help to set up the reception and serve the meal.  Please contact Beverley Johnson at MarthaMary@stjamewv.org or call  (304) 229-4543 to help comfort the sorrowful.


Docent Corps of Historic Chapel of Saint Peter

The St. Peter Docent Corps provides information to the public about the Historic Chapel of St. Peter and the significant role it played in the history of the Harpers Ferry, the Civil War, and western expansion of the new nation.

Members will welcome the public to visit the interior, have a moment of peace or prayer, take photos, ask questions or provide information about the Historic Chapel of St. Peter.

The group usually forms in April to train new members, however, new members are welcome to join at anytime. Training will be provided. Docents volunteers to cover uptown 5- three hour session (May – Oct). There is a lot of flexibility in covering dates. We also provide our service to the Chapel at Old Time Christmas in Harpers Ferry the first two weekends in December.

This ministry is an excellent way to share a love of history and  to promote positive image of the Church. We avoid evangelizing, but if asked, we may answer questions about the Faith or the Church.

Docents need not talk much just our presence, demeanor, appearance, respect and attention is required. We have greeted visitors from as far as Australia, as remote as Uzbekistan, and as local as anywhere in the USA. For more information, contact the parish office or docents@stjameswv.org.